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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Masai Mara Reserve

Last week I was on a tour of Kenya in Masai mara national reserve ,a wonderful place for wild life safari in the world. I had prepared for this tour in April and got preliminary work like yellow fever vaccination ,visa etc. But due to some problem in the home front I had to cancel it later. But as things turned out I again changed mind and just 5 days prior to departure decided to go with the tour. I visited only Masai Mara reserve in kenya,though there are many other game reserves in kenya worth visiting like Lake Nakuru ,Ambresoli reserve etc. Masai Mara is situated about 220 kms south west of Kenyan capital Nairobi . Located just one degree south of equator at an altitude of just over 5000ft Masai mara offers a pleasant climate ,with cool breeze, warm sun and occasional showers all in a day!
Masai Mara derives its name from Masai tribe who are original tribal inhabitants of the region and the Mara river which flows through it dividing the reserve between Kenya and Tanzania. Though historically and geographically it is the same reserve now the southern part is in Tanzania (Serengeti National park ) and the kenyan part is Masai Mara. This is the savanna you will see in all National geography channel or animal planet ,Discovery etc.and is popular for the thick wild population it has . The great migration of animals from Tanzania to Kenya from july /August  is migration into Masai Mara from serengeti .
Masai Mara is home to thousands and thousands of animals and during the period of great migration the numbers just change to millions . It is house for "Africa's Big Five"namely elephants, wild buffalos, Rhinos,Leopard and Lions along with count less wild beasts, Antelopes, Bucks, Gazelles, Impalas, Giraffes,Zebras, baboons, hyena,jackals etc. The birds in masai mara are more than 450 species with large variety of predators like eagles, harrier, Vutures etc. Ostrich, Lilac Breasted Rollers, etc are seen in plenty .
The biggest surprise in masai mara is the unique relation animals and man have ! Nowhere else in the world probably we get to see the wild life in such numbers and the close distance at which they can be observed and yet they remain  harmless to human visitors is a wonder which cannot be put in words but has to be seen to believe! The very thought of a cheetah walking gracefully just a couple of feet from us and yet aloof of our presence , the mighty Lion sitting just a foot from safari jeep is something probably unique to african safari!
ALion family with their catch!

It's a day out for a herd of african elephants!

Whoever comes in safari van is not his concern when he is taking rest ! A cheetah resting unmindful of his visitors in safari jeeps!

Giraffes in Masai mara
 Gazelles and Antelopes fill the landscape !

A male ostrich

For a full album of masai Mara please click here
Also you can click on the picture below to view the webalbum
Masai mara pics