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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gudavi Bird Sanctuary

White Ibis at Gudavi Bird Sanctary
Gudavi ,a small village about 14 kms from Soraba Town and 90kms from Shimoga City is a nondescript village like any other place but for the regular visitors to a small lake and adjoining trees surrounding the lake in the months of June till November every year. These winged visitors which number anywhere between 10-15000 start visiting the 70 hectares area in this village which is considered as an important bird sanctuary in Karnataka. Though the  number of bird species which visit here is small the big population of these birds make this sanctuary special.It might not be in comarision s with Ranganathittu but still considered as one of the best 5 bird sanctuaries of Karnataka. Gudavi is located 14 kms from Soraba Sorab can be reached from Shimoga by Shimoga--Shikaripur -Sorab route or via Shimoga--Sagar--Sorab route. If we take Sorab Banavasi Road and drive 10 kms and then 4kms  off the state highway we reach the forest department gate of Gudavi sanctuary.( Latitude 14º 26' N,Longitude 75º 46'E, Alt 551m). The place as such is beautiful with plenty of greenery surrounding, trees and a nice walking track for bird watching. There are about 5 bird watching towers and a platform into the lake. Entire area of the sanctuary is about 75 hectares .The birds start visiting by June end and start building their nests and August ,September is breeding season and by November end fly away with young ones. Though officially more than100 species of birds have been recorded here the large majority is by White Ibis which number upwards of 10,000. Egrets are next with thousands of them visiting every year. You can also spot with ease pond herons, grey herons ,snake birds, kingfishers, . Though this year many open billed storks have arrived I was not lucky to spot them . Asian spoon bills are also regular visitors here though this year they haven't arrived yet.
There are not many facilities except for a small canteen . But it is much better now with many benches, watch towers, toilet,walking track etc. and better road connectivity.Best time to visit is between September till early November. Sanctuary is open from 6AM to 6PM but ideal time is between 4PM to 6PM as birds return to their nests by this time.

Egret in flight

Grey heron

A part of walking track and bridge